So in light of Valentine's Day I thought I would highlight the loves that I have in my life!

Est. 2004
So in light of Valentine's Day I thought I would highlight the loves that I have in my life!
Posted by Ciara Slider at 6:19 PM 1 comments
Posted by Ciara Slider at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Ok. Been a while, I know! I'm a busy girl OK! On October 30 I ran my first 10k. I was training for a half marathon, but backed out at the last second (literally!) and honestly I'm glad I did! I ran the 10k in 62.52 mins, which is a 10.06 miles/min, which I am proud of!
Posted by Ciara Slider at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Kevin went elk hunting over the weekend and got this beauty in less than 5 hours! haha! he's very happy and excited to say the least! It's a 7*7 and is HUGE!
Posted by Ciara Slider at 2:51 PM 2 comments
September was a busy month for us here at the Slider residence. Here's a little look over the last month!
-We went on our yearly trip to California at the beginning of September and had a great time! It was nice to get away for a little bit!
Posted by Ciara Slider at 7:15 PM 2 comments
So I have been inspired! I want to get my butt into shape and I have been inspired by this crazy fun chick: (you must read the LOL'ing post, laughed with tears comming down my face and she has a SWEET give away going on that is a must have!) and this wonderful hot friend of mine: (who just came up from AZ to run the Top of Utah run). So what have I been inspired to do, run a freakin' marathon! Ya I know, crazy woman! and i'm not saying that i'm doing one this year, though there are a few half marathons that have caught my eye (, you get to run in a costume!) I have already ordered these sweet running shoes (i love pink) and have added almost 2 miles to my regular run!
Posted by Ciara Slider at 1:14 PM 2 comments
Posted by Ciara Slider at 10:35 AM 2 comments